Monthly Archives: December 2016

Geez Cal, Where Ya Been??????

“GEEZ CAL, WHERE YA BEEN???” Okay, so nobody is actually asking this question. Not that I know of, anyway. But it just occurred to me that it has been a LONG time since I wrote any kind of update on this page and I need to explain myself in case anybody stops by, wondering. And I do have an excuse. Signed by my mom. (By that I mean she’d sign it if I asked her.) But that’s not important right now, because if you really did stop in on my webpage to see what’s up and if I’ll ever get my butt in gear to write another book, I just wanted to let you know the answer is YES.

In fact, I’ve finished two. They are on a circuitous route to publishing that would take an entire book to explain (and I don’t want to write that book), but they are complete, and in good hands.

Also, I’m in the midst of writing four more books. So who knows? Maybe there will be a bunch of books coming out soon from Cal Armistead, one right after another. I can hope, right? But no matter what happens next, the best news of all is that every day I get up and go to my office, play inside my imagination for a while, and get to write about it. How lucky am I??

All the best to you and yours. ❤


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