Monthly Archives: May 2013

BHD In The News!

Greetings, friends!  Well, I haven’t done the best job in the world keeping up with this blog, but here I am, with some fun updates to pass along and share.

First, I was interviewed by Jordan Rich on WBZ Radio a couple weeks ago.  This was incredibly fun, because not only is Jordan a well-known and well-respected radio personality in Boston, I’m happy to say he’s also a friend of mine.  We met years and years (we’re talking decades) ago when we were both youngsters working at a radio station in Lowell, MA.  He was the radio talk show guy, I was the copywriter/production/news chick.   We worked together for a few years before I moved out of the area and decided to focus more on writing for newspapers and magazines than for radio. When I moved back to the Boston area several years ago however, we got reacquainted.  Now I get to see him and his business partner Kenny Carberry almost weekly at their studio, Chart Productions, where I’ve gotten to be a regular, doing voice-overs for commercials and narrations.  I always have a blast with these guys—they’re fun and funny and total goofballs, like me.  I almost forget sometimes how impressive they both are, because they’re so down to earth.   Anyway, here’s the interview I had with the fabulous Jordan Rich—

Jordan Rich Interview with Author Cal Armistead

Another really exciting thing that happened recently is that The Boston Globe printed a review of my book!  I was especially excited to see that it was written by Meredith Goldstein, a Globe writer I have long admired. I actually had an opportunity to meet Meredith during a writer’s conference in Boston (Grub Street) last year where she participated in a panel discussion on how to market one’s debut novel.  I learned a lot during that discussion, and FYI, Meredith’s book The Singles, is excellent—I highly recommend it.  Here’s the review that Meredith wrote about Being Henry David, which ran in the Globe on Easter Sunday.

Boston Globe Book Review: Being Henry David by Cal Armistead and Unremembered by Jessica Brody

Okay, one more really good/exciting/fun/weird/out-of-the-blue thing my husband found online the other day.  Apparently, I’m big in Poughkeepsie, New York!    The Poughkeepsie Journal printed the top five teen picks at the local Barnes & Noble, and here are the results:

1.  The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green

2.  The Kiss, by James Patterson

3.  Being Henry David, by Cal Armistead

4.  Inferno, by Sherrilyn Kenyon

5. Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare

I mean, WHAT??  How cool is that?  Here’s the link, just in case you don’t believe it.  (I didn’t, either.)   Thanks, Poughkeepsie!

Poughkeepsie Journal Teen Best-Sellers 4/27

I guess that brings us up to date.  Now let’s all get off our computers and go outside.  It’s spring, and the world is waking up!  Layla and I are going to go for a walk and watch the progress of the blossoming trees and returning birds and unfurling fiddlehead ferns.  (Gotta love alliteration.)  See ya next time…


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