Monthly Archives: January 2013

Apologies and Anxieties of an Almost-Published Author

Just now, my husband informed me that in 40 days, my young adult novel, Being Henry David will officially be released into the world.  He’s the math guy in the family, so he knows these things.  As for me, I’m the crazy, emotional, creative one.  The one who lives life with my heart on my sleeve.  Which conjures a really weird visual when you think about it too hard, so don’t.

But because I process everything through emotions first and intellect second, the experience of having one of my lifelong dreams come true is a mixed blessing.  I know, I think too much.  I feel too much.  I worry too much. So let me get things out of my fretful brain and on the page, and maybe I can exorcise my inner Woody Allen, at least for the moment.

First, I apologize to my friends.  Am I boring yet?  Do you scroll past my posts on Facebook and Twitter, while rolling your eyes?  I know, I know, I can’t help myself.  I’ve been celebrating all the big and little things that have happened on this journey, and I can’t control myself.  I have to share them.  And to be fair, you’ve been encouraging me.  You’ve “liked” and “shared” my posts about getting an official ISBN number, seeing my cover art for the first time, receiving positive pre-publication reviews (like the Kirkus starred review—woohoo!!), and feeling like a rock star at early author events.  You’ve posted wonderful, celebratory messages and promised you’d be at my launch party to get a signed copy of the book and tip a glass of champagne with me.  God, I love my friends.  If I’m annoying, if I’m boring, please bear with me.  This phase will be over soon.  I’ll only be a starry-eyed newbie debut author once in my life.

Okay.  Got that off my chest.  Back to checking on how many stars my book has on Goodreads, and figuring out how the heck to do a blog tour, ordering SWAG (fun giveaways connected to the book), preparing my school-visit presentation and practicing my autograph.  And reveling.  I hereby give myself permission to revel.  And by the way, thank you, so much, for reveling with me.


Filed under BHD Journey