Monthly Archives: July 2014

Let’s go to the video tape!

I think it is so incredibly cool that people are making videos about BEING HENRY DAVID, and posting them on YouTube. Some of them are made by students, as visual book reports. (How fun does that sound?? I never got to do anything like that in school!)

But this first one I’d like to post was put together by the librarian and her crew at Seekonk High School in Seekonk, MA. My book has the amazing honor of being chosen for their all-school summer read, and I so look forward to visiting them in September! Check out this video–it made me cry the first time I saw it. (Okay, and the second. I might have even teared up the third time…)

Here are some of the VERY COOL, AMAZING videos made by students…

Thank you, thank you, to everyone who read the book and made a video…I am moved and humbled and so incredibly excited to see these visual manifestations of my words. What amazing talent these kids have…


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